The Grace of Etiquette


1. Emma – A young professional navigating the corporate world
2. James – Emma’s colleague and friend

(Scene: A café where Emma and James are having lunch.)

Emma: (Sighs) James, the workplace can be so challenging sometimes. I can’t help but notice how many people lack basic etiquette. Why do you think etiquette is important?

James: Etiquette plays a significant role, Emma. It sets the tone for how we interact with others, helps build relationships, and enhances our professional image. Good manners can leave a lasting impression, positively impacting both our personal and professional lives.

Emma: You’re right. But I feel like some people underestimate the value of simple gestures like saying “please” and “thank you.”

James: True, those little acts of courtesy often go unnoticed in our fast-paced world. However, they are vital in fostering a positive and respectful environment. These basic manners remind others that we appreciate their efforts.

Emma: Absolutely. It’s not just about being polite; it’s about showing respect to everyone around us. Good etiquette helps create a harmonious atmosphere, whether it’s in the workplace or in social interactions.

James: Another aspect of etiquette that often gets overlooked is active listening. It’s more than just hearing words; it’s about genuinely paying attention, maintaining eye contact, and providing thoughtful responses. Pearls’ Light etiquette class is available to help us get more insight on professional output.

(Scene fades out with Emma and James continuing their conversation, discussing strategies to promote etiquette in their workplace and beyond.)

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